11,191 research outputs found

    Temperature sensitive controller performance of MR dampers

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    Magnetorheological (MR) dampers can experience large temperature changes as a result of heating caused by energy dissipation, but control systems are often designed without consideration of this fact. Furthermore, due to the highly nonlinear behavior of MR dampers, many control strategies have been proposed and it is difficult to determine which is the most effective. This paper aims to address these issues through a numerical and experimental study of an MR mass isolator subject to temperature variation. A dynamic temperature dependant model of an MR damper is first developed and validated. Control system experiments are then performed using hardware-in-the-loopsimulations. Proportional, PID, gain scheduling, and on/off control strategies are found to be equally affected by temperature variation. Using simulations incorporating the temperature dependant MR damper model, it is shown that this is largely due to a change in fluid viscosity and the associated movement of the lower clipped optimal' control bound. This zero-volts condition determines how close any controller can perform to the ideal semiactive case, thus all types of controller are affected. In terms of relative performance, proportional and PID controllers perform equally well and outperform the on/off and gain scheduling strategies. Gain scheduling methods are superior to on/off control

    Taking the Punishment Out of the Process: From Substantive Criminal Justice Through Procedural Justice to Restorative Justice

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    If the punishment is taken out of the process, and the processes of criminal justice become effective at restoration--and if rigorous empirical research might show that a restorative process costs less money and produces greater public safety--that would be a result everyone would embrace

    Fabrication of an in-plane SU-8 cantilever with integrated strain gauge for wall shear stress measurements in fluid flows.

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    We present a cantilever fabricated from the polymer SU-8 for the measurement of wall shear stress in fluid flows. The pressure induced deflection of the cantilever, measured using a calibrated and integrated nichrome strain gauge, can be related to the wall shear stress on the surface. The initial degree of curvature of the cantilever can be controlled via the exposure dose, which allows a small positive deflection to be achieved, and so minimises the intrusion into the flow. Wind tunnel testing results show a sensitivity greater than 2.5 mV/Pa, with a shear stress of 0.38 Pa and excitation of 1 V

    Biaxial fatigue loading of notched composites

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    Thin walled, 2.54-cm (1-in.) diameter tubular specimens of T300/934 graphite/epoxy were fabricated and fatigue cycled in combinations of axial, torsional, and internal pressure loading. Two different four-ply layup configurations were tested: (0/90)S and (+ or - 45)S; all tubes contained a 0.48-cm (3/16-in.) diameter circular hole penetrating one wall midway along the tube length. S-N curves were developed to characterize fatigue behavior under pure axial, torsional, or internal pressure loading, as well as combined loading fatigue. A theory was developed based on the Hill plane stress model which enabled the S-N curve for combined stress states to be predicted from the S-N data for the uniaxial loading modes. Correlation of the theory with the experimental data proved to be remarkably good

    Approximating the ground state of gapped quantum spin systems

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    We consider quantum spin systems defined on finite sets VV equipped with a metric. In typical examples, VV is a large, but finite subset of Z^d. For finite range Hamiltonians with uniformly bounded interaction terms and a unique, gapped ground state, we demonstrate a locality property of the corresponding ground state projector. In such systems, this ground state projector can be approximated by the product of observables with quantifiable supports. In fact, given any subset, X, of V the ground state projector can be approximated by the product of two projections, one supported on X and one supported on X^c, and a bounded observable supported on a boundary region in such a way that as the boundary region increases, the approximation becomes better. Such an approximation was useful in proving an area law in one dimension, and this result corresponds to a multi-dimensional analogue

    Femtosecond probing of bimolecular reactions: The collision complex

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    Progress has been made in probing the femtosecond dynamics of transition states of chemical reactions.(1) The "half-collision" case of unimolecular reactions has been experimentally investigated for a number of systems and much theoretical work has already been developed.(2) For bimolecular reactions, the case of full collision, the zero of time is a problem which makes the femtosecond temporal resolution of the dynamics a difficult task
